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Güncel Haberler

About My Undertones Advice and Skincare and Ingredients Analysis Services: HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S!

Yesterday, I shared that for a small fee, you can now get Undertones Identification and Skincare and Ingredient Analysis from yours truly!

I realized I had forgotten to include one tiny little detail, so I thought I'd add it on now:

Hehehe. Did you guys fall for it? Don't worry, I won't actually be charging you guys for anything! I've always valued the people who read this blog, and the people who bother to contact me, and I could never ever even think of charging people for something as trivial as emailing me or contacting me! So yes, email correspondence, including asking about undertones and skincare products, remains free! Yay! :P (And for the people whose undertone questions I haven't responded to yet - I'll get back to you soon, I've just been busy! I don't intend to charge you either!)

On another note related to this prank, it seems like monetization of blogs is such a common thing that we don't even blink an eye when we hear another blogger attempting to turn his/her blog into a money-spinning venture. I guess we're so used to it that noone really cares, or is surprised anymore. And to me, that's a little sad, because there are still tons of bloggers out there who don't make money off their blog, but still keep blogging for the love of it (including yours truly!). And I honestly don't feel good inside when I hear of bloggers who try to make money off their readers. I wouldn't say that's unacceptable or off-limits, because some bloggers seem to find a working model for it that keeps their readers happy, but personally, I could never ever do it. It would just feel so crass and money-grabbing to demand that the people who are supporting you (or at least reading what you write!) pay for the pleasure of knowing your thoughts. And, in this day and age where the internet pretty much pulls up whatever free information is there at your fingertips in a couple of seconds, I don't personally think it ever makes sense for a blog to charge its audience to read its posts, or to interact with its authors. But that's just me.

So yes, reading the blog will remain free, and no, I'm not planning to charge anyone for emailing me or asking me questions. I'm happy to answer them, and flattered that anyone thinks my opinion is worth seeking! And, I'm always happy for the relationships and interactions that I've been able to make as a result of my blogging hobby, and that definitely includes my readers too! (But if I do take a while to respond, I hope you can bear with me - real life really can and does get in the way of online activity!)

And since we're on the internetz, I thought this was relevant, too!

Hope you had a good one yesterday!

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