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Lancôme Color Design 5 Shadow & Liner Palette - so easy even a monkey could use it - for pleasure of course, I'm not advocating animal testing here people!

As you all know, I loves me a palette! There is just something about seeing all those pretty colours together in one place that makes my little heart go pitter-pat!

At the same time I can see the intimidation factor - "So many colours, what am I supposed do with them all? - if only they came with instructions!"  Well now they do!  

Lancôme Color Design 5 Shadow & Liner Palette - $54 - instructions to create your own look for day or night in 5 easy steps is included with the palette, does it get any better than that?! The palettes come in 10 shade assortments with vibrant, sultry and natural combinations: Sienna Sultry*, Amethyst Glam*, Midnight Rush*, Teal Fury*, Mauve Cherie, Jade Fever, Taupe Craze*, Bronze Amour*, Coral Crush, Pink Envy
(all 10 are available in department stores - shades with * available in drugstores and Holt Renfrew).

And for even more Color Design fun, Lancôme Canada has launched a new House of Colour Facebook Application that will allow users to virtually experience the easy to use Color Design 5 Shadow and Liner Palette. This fun and interactive application will include a Magic Mirror in which users will be able to visually experiment with the 10 different palettes on an image of themselves or on a model. By using the Magic Mirror, users will be able to acquire a realistic effect of the beautiful makeup result. The app will also feature videos by Lancôme ambassadresses Arlenis Sosa and Elettra Wiedemann and step-by-step instructions on how to apply each shade. Find it at: http://www.facebook.com/LancomeCanada

What do you think, are you a fan of the palette or not?

- Lisamarie -

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