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Güncel Haberler

4th Year Anniversary of....

Mr & Mrs. AMW!!!

**We awarded each other Best Husband and Best Wife! :P

I am a bit busy for the moment but I want to take this moment to share to everyone how lucky I am to be married to Mr. AMW --- my boyfriend, my best friend and my hubby!  

If you've been a long time AMW reader and you've met me in person, you've probably met Mr. AMW as he has been super supportive of me and of course, my blog!  

And because of that, I will be sharing to you guys the "luck" I've had!  I've been blessed by God for giving me good family, wonderful friends and the ultimate husband who loves me for who I am  crazy ! :P

Check back every now and then as I have series of giveaways for AMW readers!  Before you start thanking me, please, thank our sponsors for supporting AMW and for trusting AMW to be a venue of good will!  

I'll be back when I can breath!  *laughs*
Work gets a bit crazy but there's always time for quick chat :P

Keep smilin'
Stay happy

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