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Güncel Haberler

Top 3 Dream Holiday Destinations!

Today I’ve been feeling overworked and tired. My last few shifts it my waitressing job are this week, and the store has been really busy since the cooler weather has come in. As well as this, the move is really stressing me out, costing me money and taking up sooo much of my time! Obviously this has made me daydream about holidays and ‘where I’d rather be’! Every holiday I want to take is on a beautiful island paradise beachy hot summery location. You won’t catch me craving the snow!! This is a random post that doesn’t fit into a category, but please do join me in my fantasy!

Bora Bora

Cocktail of choice: Sex On The Beach (vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice and orange juice)


Fragrance/Scent of choice: 
Song of the holiday:

