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Güncel Haberler

Review: Lonvitalite Red Wine Collagen Firming and Moisturising Facial Mask

Ahh, the silly season - is there anything more stressful? The crowds, the strangely unpredictable weather, and a dozen relatives asking you 1000 questions - it's enough to make anyone ask for a paper bag to breathe into! I kid, however, because anyone who knows me would be aware of how big a fan of Christmas I am. My birthday, my wedding anniversary and Christmas - it's just brilliant!

To soothe those furrowed brows, I slapped on a mask by Lonvitalite (slowly getting through them here!) and found to one to be quite a bit of a winner! Read on to find out more about the red wine mask!

Just a nice amount of serum to keep everything moist (how many people just shuddered reading that word?) and fresh!

Not a bad fit, but as you can see, it's not quite over the nose. Also, I get that these things are supposed to be a universal fit, but it was a little too long between the nose and the upper lip, causing things to droop downwards just a little. Otherwise, there was quite a bit of material, which allowed it to go around the chin, kinda like pie crust.

As instructed, I left my mask on for about 20 minutes before removing it and washing it off gently. It was excellent! It certainly felt like it did moisturise my skin and while I didn't think it really firmed things up, it definitely felt softer and smoother.

Overall, I really enjoyed this mask. This is on par with the 24K mask from them, in terms of living up to it's expectations. 

Have you tried this one before? Are you keen to give it ago?

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