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Real Techniques Bold Metal Eye Duo

Real Techniques are some of my favourite brushes and they are my go to brand if i am a bit short of cash but i need a new make up brush. The Bold Metals range is supposed to be a higher end range with a more sleek and sophisticated look compared to their standard range it is no wonder they have put the prices up but i do have two of them and i am finally ready to share my opinion. 

The first brush i bought was the 201 Eyebrush which is amazing for blending eye liner and also for smoking out an eye look. This brush is the perfect size for my crease so i can use it to really work in a darker colour. I bought this back when the brushes were first released and i bought it because i didn't have anything else like it in my collection. At £12 i didn't think it would break the bank and i really wanted to try one of these brushes. However after using this one for a while i didn't feel the need to rush out and buy any of the others from the range as i have ones similar to all of the others in the collection. 

A few weeks ago in Boots, they had an offer on for 25% off of the Bold Metals collection and as i like the 201 brush i thought i would get the 200 to go with it to see how it rivaled my beloved  MAC 217 Brush. With 25% off it took the cost of the brush down to just under £12 which is slightly cheaper than the MAC 217. I thought this brush would be perfect for applying eye shadow all over the eye and also to help with the crease work. After a few weeks of having this brush i have to say i massively prefer my MAC 217 for blending, that brush just works wonders. However this is a nice size if you use it on the flat size you can work shade into the crease and blend it quite well. This brush is quite a bit bigger than the MAC 217 and my eyes are quite small so this one is a little bit too big for me but if you have a larger eye it could be better for you. I find this brush isn't very good at picking up product so if you want to put something all of the lid it does pick up enough pigment and you've got to work for it.

The brushes have synthetic brissles which are soft and very easy to clean, with the MAC Brush Cleanser i get all of the product off within a matter of seconds and they always go back to a perfect white. The brushes are weighted to help to make it easier to apply the product and overall they do look very sleek and better than the original line. I can't help but think for a similar amount of money i could get a MAC brush which to me is better at applying the make up. These brushes look pretty and they aren't bad brushes but for the cost are they really that good? I have been using them and i do like them but i must say i do still reach for my MAC brushes.

Have you tried the Bold Metal Brushes and what do you think about them?

SophaaRambles xx

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