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Güncel Haberler

Using PriceUSA to purchase MAC?!

Awhile back I was searching through some mail forwarding service websites, for those who dont know about them, it's where you can purchase items off online shops that doesnt exactly send to Australia. So you can pretty much buy stuff from Sephora, forever21, h&m etcetc and they get sent to the website partners place and then they send it to you.
I already know of hopshopgo, but sadly since I'm not 18 yet, I dont own a Paypal account.
But I did some research on another website called PriceUSA and lucky for me, they accept Direct Bank Deposit. (They also accept paypal & creditcard but it costs an addition 5%)

When I found out they accepted Direct Bank Deposit I went crazy on window shopping at every american website I knew. But of course what I really wanted was to own a MAC lipstick.
So I used PriceUSA to purchase 2 lipsticks, Russian Red and Ruby Woo and the MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack.

Australian Price:

1x Russian Red Lipstick = $36AUD
1x Ruby Woo Lipstick = $36AUD
1x Fluidline in Blacktrack = $32AUD

Total = $103AUD

US Price:

1x Russian Red Lipstick = $15US
1x Ruby Woo Lipstick = $15US
1x Fluidline in Blacktrack = $16US

[[At the time the lipsticks were $15, but they have risen to $16US now]]

Total = $46US

To order from PriceUSA you have to fill in an order form where you put in your details, price & shipping estimate costs and the product details. The form looked tricky and intimidating to me but there is a help button that tells you how to fill in everything. But for those who dont know how to fill in the product details this is how I did mine:

After sending the order form they send you a quote of  the estimated total price and also a deposit price which you pay now then pay the remainder of the costs once it arrives at the partners address then you pay the shipping price to get to your address. Simple as that.
They have 3 bank accounts you can deposit to: Commenwealth Bank, NAB and Westpac. It's best that you deposit to the bank that you have so they recieve the payment quicker. but it is a downside if you arent with the following banks.
I had to deposit $42.65AUD and they recieved the payment a day after. They then send the payment to their USA partner who then orders your items.
After they received the items I paid $32.58.
So the entire order + service costed me $75.23AUD!
I only saved $27.77 which is better than paying the full price in Aus.


9/01/2014 - Filled in order form
10/01/2014- Quote recieved
10/01/2014- Paid deposit
11/01/2014- PriceUSA recieved the deposit
12/01/2014- USA partner ordered MAC products
19/01/2014- MAC items arrived at USA partners
21/01/2014- Recieved payment
21/01/2014- Sent products to my address
10/02/2013- MAC products arrive at my address

Looking at it now, the whole process took a month but wasnt that bad if I think about it now.
The items arrived safe and sound, though they only sent me the MAC box that it was originally sent it, no bubble wrap only tissue paper protecting the products which scares me if I bought eyeshadow or any pressed products.

I will most likely use PriceUSA again and hopefully try purchasing some products from Sephora!

They put an invoice on the entire order on top.

Have you tried a forwarding site? What was your experience like?

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