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Güncel Haberler

Monthly Favourites: May 2020

May seems to have passed by in a blur with the new normal seeming to be in full effect. I have now become more accustom to working at home, to the point where I can't imagine working in the office full time again. 

I did treat myself to a week off towards the end of the month, I had already booked the week off from work as I was supposed to be going to Center Parcs but understandably the holiday was cancelled. I decided to keep my week off work as to be honest I was ready for a break. I have been working bloody hard since I started my new job so I wanted a break, that is probably why this month seemed to go so quickly. It started off with me looking forward to my holiday and then recovering from my week off.

I have to admit I really struggled with my favourites this month. I haven't really been wearing much makeup and when I do wear makeup I wear the same look and use the same products as I do not feel the need to be too adventurous with the products I am using. I also didn't just want to talk about the clothes I have been loving as I will be doing my separate New In Fashion post for the month and I have A Week in Lockdown Outfits post coming soon so I don't want all of my content to be exactly the same. Eventually the products came to me as I looked at the items I was picking up the most and I'm about to tell you all about them. 

Gemma Collins Top

My first favourite this month is a favourite for two reasons: firstly because this is an amazing top but secondly because my bestie sent it to me when I was having bit of a bad time. I felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work I was doing and to cheer me up, my bestie sent me this top and it certainly cheered me up. 

This top is from In The Style who I purchase from quite often. The reason I started buying on the website was because they did a collaboration with Fashion Influx and I ended up loving so many of the different pieces. Nothing has been added to her range for a while so I don't know if this collaboration has ended but there hasn't been much I have liked on the website since her last collection, other than the GC tops. 

I had been thinking about buying one of these for a while and I loved the 'I'm Claustrophobic Darren!' top as that is easily one of my favourite Gemma moments. Somehow my bestie seemed to know that and this is the top she picked out for me. This does come in a few different colours and she got me the black which is much appreciated as it was honestly my favourite version and black goes with everything. 

The sizing of this top is slightly oversized but it does also show off a bit of shape around my waist. I think when I say this is oversized, I mean it is long rather than tent like. I have been wearing this quite a lot as it is really easy to throw on with anything. If it is colder I can wear some form of jogging bottom but if it is warm like it has been, I will pair it with a skirt or my cycling shorts. 

Glossier - Balm Dotcom in Berry

I spoke about this in my April Empties but since the lockdown came into effect, I have become a lip balm addict. There is no need to wear lipstick at the moment but I feel like I need something on my lips so I have turned to lip balm. This month I have been loving the Glossier Balm Dotcom in Berry.

This ended up being a very happy mistake. I was given this in the Covent Garden store when I went there in February. I had actually ordered the Cherry one but when I opened my bag, I had been given the Berry version. I messaged Glossier on Twitter and very kindly they sent me the Cherry one and said I did not need to send back the Berry one. It turns out I actually love the Berry one. Not only is the scent lovely but I also love the colour it gives my lips. 

Even though I haven't been leaving my house for anything other than food shopping and occasionally heading into the office, sometimes it is nice to have a bit of colour on your lips and this balm provides the perfect colour for me. This looks purple as you squeeze it out of the tube but when you apply it to your lips it adds a subtle berry tone to your lips. This colour just adds a bit of life to my face and for some reason I always think my makeup looks better when I wear this. It honestly works magic. 

In terms of hydrating my lips I can't say it works miracle, in fact I would say it is pretty basic. This lip balm just does not have long lasting effects, it is nice when you have it on but it doesn't do much once it is all gone. However now that I know this I have other lip balms that I use overnight to help with this. 

The Glossier Balm Dotcom is rather expensive considering it is just a lip balm but I do think it is well worth a try simply because so many people talk about it and it is worth testing out the hype for yourself. If you buy one of the ones which aren't tinted, you can use it on other dry areas so they are more multi-purpose but the tinted ones are definitely for your lips only. 

Pat McGrath - Eye Ectasy Palette

I bought myself the Mini Pat McGrath Palette in Sublime when I was last in London but it took me ages to get around to using it. I was given quite a few eye shadow palettes for my Birthday so this one sort of got put to the side and I kind of forgot about it. Plus there are no matte shades in this palette so I struggled to come up with the looks I could create from this palette. 

In the end I have found a way I love to wear this palette and it has ended up being quite a basic look. I have basically been using a mix of Gold Nectar and Sextrovert all over my eyelids and blended out into the crease. It is a super simple look but the shadows are so shimmery it looks anything but basic. All of the shadows in this palette are super metallic and highly pigmented. This was a great introduction into the shadows from Pat McGrath because they truly are incredible. 

The two shadows I have been using combine to create a sort of bronzed gold and this look seems to go perfectly with the purple tint of the Berry Balm Dotcom and some big old lashes. My bestie very kindly gave me one of the bigger Pat McGrath palettes for my Birthday and I honestly can't wait to get some use out of it as it is gorgeous. 

English Pear & Freesia + Saffron - Jo Malone London

I have definitely included this fragrance combo in my Favourites before but after finishing my Zara fragrance during May, I had to pick out something new to wear from my collection and this fragrance duo called to me for some reason. I think because we are having a bit of warmer weather, I just love how this combination has an incredibly sweet element which has been mixed with a strong spicy note.

Saffron is no longer available from Jo Malone. I remember when it was it was discontinued a few years ago, I was gutted. I think this was a really underrated fragrance and it was a great scent to layer with. On it's own this fragrance is nothing special but it really adds such a rich depth to other fragrances and it adds the depth that I think English Pear and Freesia needs. 

On it's own English Pear & Freesia is not my favourite fragrance as it is really sweet and slightly too floral but Saffron pulls it back. The combination smells lovely in the Summer heat and I have just been loving wearing it this month. 

Picture from ASOS

Tracksuit from ASOS

A tracksuit is not something I thought I would own in my lifetime. Karl Lagerfeld famously slated sweatpants and said 'Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life when you bought sweatpants.' Well Karl, look at the world now, we have all lost control; thanks to Rona none of us even have the freedom to leave our houses. If there were ever a time for sweatpants and a tracksuit, now is it.

I saw Suzie from Hello October feature this ASOS Tracksuit on her Instagram and I immediately loved the way it looked. Tracksuits often look like they would drown me as I am a petite lady but it looked fine on her and I know we are a similar height. The tracksuit is made up of a cropped sweatshirt and a baggy pair of joggers and they go together perfectly as it is both comfortable but it also shows off a bit of shape so you do not end up looking like a marshmallow. 

This set was £36 so I wasn't sure about buying it at first simply because I was not sure I would get the wear out of it but now I realise that it was worth every penny as I have worn the tracksuit together a lot but I have also worn both pieces with other items from my wardrobe. This is a very versatile set. 

Clone Wars - Disney +

I was at bit of a loss as to what to include in this months favourites so I thought I would include the TV program I am currently watching. After finishing Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I was at a loss as to what to do with my life as watching all 14 seasons took up a lot of my time. After that I didn't want anything I had to think about too much and that had short episodes, that was when I stumbled across Clone Wars on Disney +

I have always been a fan of Star Wars ever since my dad took me to see The Phantom Menace when I was far too young to understand what it all meant. All that stuck me was that they had light swords and there was a guy with a spiky head. After that I went to see all of the prequel films in the cinema. When the Sequel trilogy was started back up by Disney, I took my dad to see each film in the cinema during our Christmas break from work. As I have sort of grown up with the series, I do really enjoy it so I thought I would give Clone Wars a go. 

To be honest I didn't know what to expect but it is much better than I thought and it makes Revenge of the Sith make more sense. There is more character development of the Clones and Anakin who I came across as bit of a bitch in the films but has more character in Clone Wars. Not only that but you also get to see Ahsoka Tano who is now my character. I haven't finished the series yet, I have just started season 5 but I am really enjoying it and recommend it to anyone with an interest in Star Wars. 

After my little nerd moment, that is the conclusion of my monthly favourites for May. As I said at the beginning, I really struggled this month to think of what I have been loving. I think it is quite hard to find the positives in anything at the moment as we have little to look forward to but hopefully we will be able to go back to some form of normality. I've heard drive-thru coffee stores are opening back up so at least that is something, for me anyway. 

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