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Güncel Haberler

Happy 9th Birthday to my Blog!!

Yup, today is my baby's birthday! I started this blog 9 years ago today.

Wow! Time really flies. I still remember I wasn't sure what I wanted to share in here when I first started, I just wanted to have my own place to be me and share what I liked.
This blog started when my love for makeup and beauty started so I kida "focused" on that; which was pretty much nail polishes from L.A. Colors and a few things from AVON. LOL. Then I "tried" to share recipes and even super duper simple DIYs, which aren't much my thing~

As time went by I started to feel more comfortable sharing more personal things, thoughts and experiences. I was kind of in a process of discovering myself and slowly sharing it with you guys.
This blog has seen so many stages in my life, happy and not so happy ones. I've shared my experiences with friends, things I like, hauls, happy thoughts, feelings, working experiences but also a not so happy side of me that isn't my proudest but are part of who I am. We're all human, right?
I don't think I'm an open book but I share enough to let others get to know me a little more, see the things I like and enjoy and maybe (just maybe) change the image some people have about "who I am."
And more than actually letting others get to know me, I kinda want to help or inspire others (even if I'm not the most inspiring person out there). I'm happy if I get to reach at least 1 person with the things I share in here. That's why I love feedback, so I know what kind of content you guys find the most interesting.

Honestly, I don't have any plan for this year, blogging wise. I feel like I should but I guess I'll just continue with things they way they are and see how things flow.
But I do want to thank you guys for sticking with me through all these years and reading my, sometimes, random, posts. It really makes me smile when you share your comments and thoughts with me through different media.

And well, I hope you had a great 2019 and that 2020 comes with amazing things for us all. ♡

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