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Charlotte Flair queen of mess

Charlotte Flair queen of mess

Charlotte Flair was a really good wrestler but was extremely poor in other areas. She was quite possibly one of the worst wrestlers on the microphone in the business. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. She was never really over with the fans. She was in the position that she was because of her father. That was crystal clear. In kayfabe she would lose title matches over and over again, but still constantly receive rematches. She was someone that no one wanted to see.

Behind the scenes she was not that popular either. Everyone knew why she got the opportunities that she did. There was a potential classic Wrestlemania main event between Becky Lynch and Rhonda Rousey and she somehow managed to get placed into it. This lessoned the appeal of the match greatly. She was conceded and self-absorbed as well. Her insufferable annoying character was an extension of who she was as a person. The others loathed her. She thought that she was better than she was. She hadn’t earned anything and would be constantly given chances when others would not even be seen on television. Most of the locker room despised her. They all banded together to think of a way to get back at her for all that she had done to everyone.

Much to their delight, they happened to come upon some naked pictures of Charlotte that one of her ex-boyfriends had of her. She had cheated on him with someone else, another wrestler. She had also been a real witch to him when they were dating. She was jealous, controlling and domineering. She was quite a nasty vindictive person. He got together with the others and planned to get revenge upon her. They had an anonymous person text her saying that they had embarrassing photos of her and demanded that she stay in the locker room after it cleared out. She was angry, but knew that she had to comply. She did not want the photos to get out.

She stayed behind as was instructed. She wore what she had worn on Smackdown Live. A blazer and a very short skirt. She waited in the locker room. The whole locker room emptied. She was left there all alone. She was getting extremely nervous. As she sat there in silence, she was wondering what was going to happen.

One of her rivals then emerged. They were carrying print outs of photographs. “Charlotte, Charlotte, look what we have here. See for yourself,” She was shown the explicit naked photographs of her own body. She was furious but did her best not to explode in anger. She tried to keep her composure. “What do you want? Why are you doing this?” “Well, let’s ask this lot shall we?” With that half a dozen of the female competitors and her ex-boyfriend emerged. “Basically, you are a selfish, self-absorbed b****. You have injured all of us in some way and now it is our turn for revenge. The pictures are just insurance to ensure that you do not retaliate after tonight.”

The grabbed her and handcuffed her hands behind her back. They pulled her clothing off. Charlotte was a real butter face. She had a sexy figure, but her face was not that attractive. She was ugly inside as well, which may have been what was shining through. She was left naked and handcuffed. They then pulled out some pies and buckets to use upon her. She was a haughty brat who called herself the queen. She was about to become the Queen of Mess.

One of her rivals grabbed two large creamy pies. She smiled as she approached. She told her that she thought that she was better than everyone else, but she was only where she was because of who she was related to and that would not save her now. Charlotte glared at her in anger and disgust. She could not help herself. She blurted out,” I am better than you and all the rest of them. Damn right I am here because of my family. That means I am genetically superior to you all. You are all beneath the queen.” “Oh yeah well you will be the one bowing now. You deserve this.” She pushed the pies straight into Charlotte’s face. Charlotte let out a loud shriek as the pies were pushed into her face. Her competitor took great joy in thrusting the pies around in her face. She then pushed them down into her chest. “Oh yeah and these oversized comedy boobs of yours look completely ridiculous. I don’t know how you wrestle with these giant fake tits.” Charlotte gasped in shock and disgust. Her face was covered in pie. Her gorgeous blonde hair was streaked in creamy pie.

Some of the others then smashed pies all over body, onto her long legs, behind, big breasts and finally between her legs. They pushed a pie straight into her vagina. She moaned and squealed as she felt the pie jammed into her crotch. Her tanned, toned body was covered in a layer of thick creamy mess.
Another of her frequent opponents then started dumping rice pudding over her head. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes as the sloppy, lumpy mess rolled down her face and hair and then down her neck, shoulders and down her chest and back. More poured down her body, between her legs and down her legs, down her thighs to her knees and then down her calves.

Tins of spoiled tinned fruit were dumped on her. This included pineapple, peaches and fruit cocktail. All of which, stuck all over her body. Chocolate and toffee sauces were then sprayed all over her body. Her hair was streaked in layers of both dark and light brown mess. More was squeezed upon her naked flesh.

She was finished off with a bucket of custard and a bucket of chocolate pudding. She screamed that she would get them all for this and that they would all be fired as the sweet mess descended upon her. The mess could be seen dripping from her body and off of her legs. They then stood her up and bent her over. They allowed her ex-boyfriend to spank her backside using a strawberry cheesecake. They all counted out twenty spanks and cheered afterwards. They then pushed her back into her hair.
They all then bid her fair well. They said that they would free her in the morning. They then took a salted caramel cheesecake and placed it on top of her head like a crown. “All hail the queen,” they said as they left. They would not free her until the following day’s event.

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