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Güncel Haberler

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 24: What Attracts Me (In Love)

We're so close to the end of this challenge, omg!

 What attracts me (In love)

I know looks aren't everything but I do believe finding someone who is physically attractive to you is important. In my case I like guys with long hair, tattoos and that whole "bad guy" kinda vibe. 
And If it's not a bad guy, I like manly, tall men.

But personality is also important. A guy who is confident and feels passionate about what he does is attractive. Someone who sees beyond "looks" and takes the time to listen to you and see you for who you are is attractive too. Don't get me wrong but, listening to how "beautiful, pretty, amazing, wonderful, bla, bla blah" you are can get boring. I like someone who has interesting conversations and opinions, who can give me feedback about what I think, feel or do.

And as much as I always say "I want a bad boy who can treat me like a princess", I am a princess who also wants someone to respect her space and who doesn't like overly cheesy stuff. Yeah, a little romance is fine but there's a limit. Hehe.

I feel like I have a clear picture of what attracts me but when I try to put it down into words I suck at it. LOL.

This last thing may be a little random but, good grammar is something I also find attractive. No matter how hot a guy can be, if his grammar sucks badly (or even the way he talks), that breaks the spell for me.

There you have it, hope it made sense. xx

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